Funny story...for sick humor types

  • -=[M]=-Heretic
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1 week 3 days ago #955 by -=[M]=-Heretic
Funny story...for sick humor types was created by -=[M]=-Heretic
Had some friends over and a girl was admiring the living room saw one of my Tarantula enclosures and asked what was inside. I told her and she said what most people say, "no freaking way I hate spiders".  I replied, "so do I, that's why I got them to get over a fear of spiders."

Well she must have thought this meant it was a fake spider inside... and you can probably guess where this is going.

My buddy and I went to the garage not 5 minutes gone by...  screams from all three of the gals in the house...

My buddies wife knew the Tarantula was real and said NOTHING to the girl. She thought it would move and the girl would jump and they would all laugh... thats not what happened.

The gal went over to the enclosure opened the door and the T figured it was dinner time and like it does on many days ... comes a running toward me to get its food.  Some T's are smart critters.

All three of the girls are standing on my couch screaming, "Its out"  "It ran under there" pointing to the corner of the room.

My buddy is like, "F-you John, I'll shoot the freaking thing if I see it..."

Now I got to try and catch a full size South African Baboon Tarantula and I am scared of them as well..

I did find it. It was more scared of being out of its enclosure then anything. If it was night time, it probably would have ran a lot farther.  As soon as I put the catch cup over it, she calmed down and curled up into a ball. Then I put her in the cage and she walked into her den.

I'll feed her tomorrow.
just sitting next to the doors...waiting for someone to open the door and toss a nice fat cricket in...
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1 week 2 days ago - 1 week 2 days ago #956 by -=[M]=-LaTiN-
Replied by -=[M]=-LaTiN- on topic Funny story...for sick humor types
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